
Implementing Shibboleth at your organisation

Learn from subject matter experts within the Janet Network community.

  • In person
  • Two, one-day workshops
  • £600 - £900 + VAT

This course will be held on

  • There are no upcoming dates


    The UK Access Management Federation provides a standardised way of exchanging authentication and authorisation requests in a consistent, secure and privacy-preserving manner.

    Organisations who have members who wish to access such resources may wish to run their own Shibboleth identity provider to enable this. Similarly, organisations who have resources they wish to give access to through this method may wish to run their own Shibboleth service provider to enable this.

    This course will be held on two consecutive days by Rhys Smith, our chief technical architect, trust and identity. The course will start off by providing a number of discussions and hands-on labs for you to work through individually and in a small group, centred around the installation and configuration of a Shibboleth 3 identity provider; this will then be tested against a reference Shibboleth service provider.

    Later, you will look at the installation and configuration of a Shibboleth 3 service provider; along with guidance and practical experience of integrating this with a web application's access control mechanism. This installation will then be tested against a reference Shibboleth 3 identity provider.

    This course includes some discussion of migration from an existing Shibboleth IdP or SP installation.


    • Share good practice and learn from others from within academic networking
    • Tailored course specifically designed for Janet Network-connected organisations
    • One year of online support following the course
    • High-quality materials including case studies, checklist and examples
    • Learn from subject matter experts within the Janet Network community
    • Affordable prices
    • All course materials, equipment and labs provided

    Course format

    Registration begins at 09:30 and the course will run between 10:00 and 16:30.

    Our programme is made up of two, one-day workshops, led by subject experts. Both courses have a particular emphasis on hands-on activities which take up most of both days. These activities will be performed on either a Linux (CentOS 6) or Windows (Windows Server 2008 R2) Virtual Machine (VM), running on VMWare Server on laptops provided as part of the course.

    Although designed as a complementary set of workshops, it is possible for you to attend the workshops individually. You will be able to select which workshop(s) you wish to attend when you book.

    All refreshments and lunch are provided.

    Course materials

    If you wish to work with the Linux VM you will be able to take a copy of the VM image home with you after the course to continue to practice and modify. Please bring a USB memory stick or portable external USB hard disk with at least 3GB of free space.

    Due to licensing conditions associated with Windows, delegates wishing to work with the Windows VM do not have this option. However, if you bring your own laptop to the course with a fully licensed and legal copy of Windows Server 2008 installed (either directly or in a VM) you will be able to use this during the course and thus keep the copy.

    Who should attend

    This technical course is aimed at anyone responsible for implementing a Shibboleth identity provider and/or service provider who has system administration skills with either Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit) or CentOS 6 (64 bit).

    What we cover

    Identity provider (course one)

    • Understanding Shibboleth
    • Identity provider prerequisites
    • Identity provider installation
    • Identity provider configuration
    • Advanced identity provider topics

    Service provider (course two)

    • Service provider prerequisites
    • Service provider installation
    • Service provider configuration
    • Integrating Shibboleth with web applications
    • Advanced service provider topics

    Earn digital credentials for this course

    By completing this course, you can earn the 'completed' digital badge. Find out more about digital credentials.

    Pricing and eligibility

    One-day course

    • Jisc members - £350 + VAT
    • Non member - not-for-profit - £400 + VAT
    • Commercial - £500 + VAT

    Two-day course (full programme)

    • Jisc members - £ 600 + VAT
    • Non member - not-for-profit - £700 + VAT
    • Commercial - £900 + VAT

    Member types and VAT information

    Jisc members: typically publicly funded FE, HE and Research institutions.

    Non-members, not-for-profit: Eligible local government, public sector, private/independent education providers and non-profit customers.

    Commerical: All non-member commercial partners.

    VAT is charged at 20% of the value of the service.


    For more information, email or phone 01235 822242.

    Trust and identity consultancy

    Our targeted, bespoke support can help you gain a better practical understanding of the technologies underpinning Shibboleth and other trust and identity services.